Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cruz'n the Healthcare Highway

Charles Kuffner wrote a piece recently for his blog, Off the Kuff, titled Cruz may go on Obamacare. Although the title is lacking a certain flair I tend to wholeheartedly enjoy, his opinions were simple, honest, and well-directed. The blog itself is generally from a liberal standpoint and this article seems to be intended for people leaning towards that same left of center area. However, I must applaud Kuffner for not being as aggressive as he could have been. I have read a few other political blogs that spend so much cussing and being angry, it detracts from their message (and this is coming from someone who cusses like a sailor!) Cruz cornered himself, however, which is something both sides can surely agree on. At least Kuffner is using sound logic by calling Cruz out on this volatile subject. Cruz has been more than vocal about his absolute hatred for the Affordable Care Act and will probably be pushing for its repeal up until his last breath. For this reason, I agree with the author of this article's communication. Kuffner even gives him a way to redeem himself by boycotting insurance. That would still be a silly move, but Cruz might gain a little respect from both sides for sticking to his guns. Charles Kuffner has made a name for himself as a reputable liberal blogger. In addition to forming Off the Kuff in 2001, he has been interviewed by Texas Monthly and featured in the Houston Chronicle several times.

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