Thursday, February 5, 2015

Another One DIDN'T Bite the Dust

According to an article by Emilie Mutert titled Supreme Court Stays Next Texas Execution in the Crime & Justice section of KUT News, convicted killer, Lester Bower, has been given another chance.  Instead of being executed in 5 days, the Supreme Court will hear a final appeal later this month.  Bower, age 67, has been sitting on death row for over 30 years and has been up for execution six times leading some to liken this treatment to cruel and unusual punishment.  He was convicted in the murder of four men at an airplane hangar in Dallas, and claims innocence to this day.

I feel that any article having to do with Texas and the death penalty is worth our time considering the obscenely large amount of executions that happen in this state.  The Texas Department of Criminal Justice website shows three executions so far for 2015 and we’ve only just begun February.  I hope that the recent delay in execution of Lester Bower will begin a trend of not being too hasty with throwing the death penalty around.

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