Monday, May 11, 2015

Hero to Zero? Response

I agree with a lot of what Mr. Cisneros said in regards to reduced education benefits for veteran's children. However, my opinion may be stemming from a different place. The article he refers to speaks of "ballooning costs". If this is in reference to education, then I call BS. Taking away education benefits would just be a band-aid on a much bigger problem with our education system.

I feel as if the focus should be on regulating the cost of tuition and making sure all of the money we are paying for these classes is going to the right place. If the system weren't broken, we could all go to school for free, regardless of veteran status.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Vote, Vote, OMG, Why Aren't You Voting

The more I learn about Texas government, the more irked I am at the lack of voter turnout.  Even among my politically charged friends, some refuse to go vote because they think it doesn't matter.  Regardless of what I say to them, they don't believe that voting is actually important.  How do we fix this? 

To me, unfortunately, I feel that it may take an entire generation's worth of time to effect this sort of change and we should start the process right now.  Quite a novel idea was mentioned during class in regards to making Election Day a Federal holiday so people have the day off of work and can make it to the voting booth.  If the states truly can be likened to a lab experiment for other states, let's start in Texas and begin giving people that day off.  Maybe it will start to trend with other states.  Even with the day off, however, it is still a broken system and lacking.  Perhaps in the beginning we would need to provide some sort of incentive.  Incentives don't sound great to me either, but we have to start somewhere.  Or perhaps we could hire an independent committee to present the entire ballot in layman's terms so it is easier for people to know what they are voting for in advance?

I don't have all the answers, but I do know that something has got to give.  How can we convince people that their vote matters?  What ideas do you have?